Fully Responsible and Totally Redeemed
With divorce there’s a lot of guilt, shame and humiliation. But this is also true of life.
Yet we do not have to be held hostage by our own inner critic a moment longer.
I want to tell you right now, you are so much more than the worst mistake you’ve ever made. I mean it! This is our starting point. Even you can be fully responsible and totally redeemed.
You are acceptable in the eyes of your higher power, in the eyes of your closest human, maybe even someday in the eyes of yourself. You are unequivocally acceptable right now.
Have I ever lied? Of course? Cheated on anything? Indeed I have! Have I ever been envious, greedy, jealous, or needy? Most definitely! Perfection is a ridiculous superhuman expectation-and it tears at the fabric of our soul. It’s like, “Hi, I’m Margo and I’m a recovering human.” If I were in a 12-step recovery meeting, the room would boom back at me, “Thanks Margo!”
That’s the rub about redemption—we are all worthy of it. RIGHT NOW.
We no longer need to defend our history, our actions, our intentions; what we said or did at age nineteen that we still feel mortified about. You are worthy of your own absolution today.
Divorce has a way of making us question ourselves--going back to even question our very right to exist. We don’t need to pretend that we are morally better than the people who get under our skin. We can skip all of that mind-screwing garbage. We can literally surrender the total burden of our defense mechanisms and ask to be liberated. With love—our own love.
That’s what redemption is, complete and total liberation. With love,
There is an easy escape from our harsh inner critic and it’s absolutely full of mercy, kindness, and total forgiveness. We can choose to be completely responsible for everything we’ve ever done, and by doing, so we take the first step into complete and total human redemption.
In coming blog entries, I will share more about the critical steps involved with self-forgiveness and how we get to total redemption.